
One morning I decided to draw faces on the eggs before breakfast (I sometimes do weird things like that) and it quickly became a silly tradition. My kids loved the variety of characters, and children are naturally attracted to the whimsical shape of eggs, so I decided to feature the Good Eggs in books and videos. Now plush toys are in development and all sorts of fun stuff is on the way.

- Peter


Fun Egg Jokes

  1. What day do eggs hate the most? Fry-day.

  2. What happens when you tell an egg a joke? It cracks up.

  3. Did you hear about the chicken who could only lay eggs in the winter? She was no spring chicken.

  4. Who tells the best egg jokes? Comedi-hens.

  5. How does a hen leave it's house? Through the eggs-it.

  6. What crime is an egg most afraid of? Poaching.

  7. How did the egg climb the mountain? It scrambled up.

  8. How do monsters like their eggs? Terri-fried.

  9. Where do eggs go on holiday? New Yolk.

  10. Why do hens lay eggs? Because if they dropped them, they'd break.

  11. How do comedians like their eggs? Funny side up.

  12. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? Just one. After that your stomach won't be empty.

  13. I never count my chickens before they're hatched. Because they're eggs.


Fun Egg Facts

  1. Strange, but true: the color of a chicken’s earlobes—yes, chickens have earlobes—is a good indicator of the color of the eggshell it will lay. In general, chickens with white earlobes generally lay white eggs, while chickens with red or brown earlobes lay brown eggs.

  2. To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it! If the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked but if it wobbles, it is raw.

  3. An average hen lays 300 to 325 eggs a year.

  4. To produce one egg, it takes a hen 24-26 hours.

  5. As a hen grows older she produces larger eggs.

  6. The tapered shape of eggs allows them to fit more snugly inside the nest and keep each other warm.

  7. The Araucana Chicken is also called the “Easter Egg Chicken” because it lays natural blue, green, pink, and brown eggs.

  8. Kiwis lay the largest egg in relation to their body size of any species of bird in the world.

  9. Though it is very rare, chickens can lay eggs that contain another complete egg inside.

  10. Double-yolked eggs are often laid by young hens whose egg production cycles are not yet completely synchronized, or by hens which are old enough to produce Extra Large-sized eggs.

For more egg facts, visit Incredible Egg.